How We Spend Our Time Part 2: School, from Home

The Seattle Public School District was really thrown for a loop when the Governor called for the closure of all schools. It was the right decision given the extreme contagiousness of COVID-19, but the district had basically no time to come up with a plan for handling all of their students, teachers, and staff being at home.
It is important to maintain a sense of humor in the midst of a pandemic

So...we've been improvising, tasking the boys with tasks, enforcing bedtime and wake-up time, and taking advantage of the resources that were provided early on by some of the boys' more energetic and tech-savvy teachers. Fortunately, in the three+ weeks since the schools were closed, a semblance of a plan/schedule has emerged, and on Monday both boys have been following a 'schedule' that involves a combination of synchronous (virtual classroom) and asynchronous (work on your own) learning. UNfortunately, yesterday, the Governor announced that all schools in the state will remain closed for the duration of the school year. This was very disappointing for Liam, but a bit less so for Lochlan. Our sincere hope is that the boys will continue learning despite the significant confusion, disorganization, and disconnectedness they are experiencing.

Liam, getting down to scholastic business
